Miss Gallipolis River Rec - Grades 9 - 12

Young Miss Gallipolis River Rec - Grades 6 - 8

Contestants will compete according to the grade they are in as of May 1of the year they are competing.


Young Miss Contestants Check In - 9:00am, 2nd floor

Young Miss Personal Interview - 9:30am

Miss Contestants Check In - 10:00am, 2nd floor

Miss Contestants Personal Interviews - 10:30am

After interviews, contestants may leave the venue for lunch and should return by 1:00pm.

On-Stage Rehearsals - 1:00pm - 4:00pm 

     - Contestants should bring their opening number,

       Red, White, and Blue or Patriotic Outfit, and Formal

       to the rehearsal to put in the dressing room.

After rehearsals, contestants may not leave the venue.  A contestant's dinner is being sponsored by El Toril of Gallipolis in the dining area of the Ariel. Absolutely NO food or beverages are permitted anywhere else except the dining area.

Rehearsals are closed to the public. We will have four females assisting contestants to change into outfits during the pageants. Only contestants are allowed in the dressing rooms and on stage.

Contestants should be dressed in their opening number outfit by 5:00pm as there will be one last rehearsal on stage, prior to opening the doors to the public.

Doors open to the public at 5:30pm

Pageants begin at 6:00pm


May 13, 6:00pm, at the Ariel, 3rd Floor. (When entering from the front entrance, follow hallway to the steps or elevator on the right and take to 3rd floor.)


There is no entry fee for contestants.  

$20 Opening Number T-shirt

Guests will need to purchase admission tickets. 


     - Personal Interview

     - Self Introduction

     - Red/White/Blue or a Patriotic Outfit

     - Formal Wear

         - Young Miss contestants may we are knee-length or floor length dress

         - Miss contestants should wear a floor length dress

Miss and Young Miss contestants will be required to purchase a red Gallipolis River Rec Festival contestant t-shirt for $20 for the opening number of the pageant. Contestants will give their Personal Introduction this outfit. We will get contestant t-shirt sizes and collect the t-shirt money at the first rehearsal and informational meeting.  Shirts will be given to the contestants on pageant day. Cash only, please. 


Based on the number of contestants in each pageant, we will award a queen, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up.  Those will be determined the day of the pageant.

Queens will receive a sash and crown.

Runners up will receive a sash and tiara.

All contestants will receive a participant award.

Miss Congeniality will receive a custom award.

The contestant selling the most admission tickets will receive the Fan Favorite Award.


The Queen in each pageant is required to attend the upcoming Gallipolis River Recreation Festival and to be in the parade. Her court may ride with her in the parade.  A float will be provided for the GRRF parade. Her court is not required to attend the festival or be in the parade but is welcome to do so.  

Queens and court members should wear a church-style dress, jump suit, or cocktail dress and her crown and sash for the parade and appearances at the festival. Outfits should be age appropriate.

Queens may attend other events or parades and are responsible for arranging her own transportation and schedule.

Court members may attend other events as they choose and are responsible for arranging her own transportation and schedule. 


- Contestants should be in good moral standing. 

- Contestants should be professional and courteous at all times.

- Contestants should be and have always been a female.

- Contestants may not be or ever have been married.

- Contestants may not be or ever have been pregnant.

- Contestants may not have any substance abuse or be involved in

  or found guilty of any criminal activity.

- Contestants must be accompanied by an adult to all events.

- Guests attending events with all winners should be professional

  and courteous at all times.    

- All contestants must be residents of Gallia County, but do not

  have to attend a school in Gallia County. Homeschool students 

  are welcome to compete.

- Winners are chosen based on their own merit and scores.

- Judges will be out of county judges.

- Scores will be tabulated by bank officials.

- Scores will not be given out.

- Copies of the scores will be in a sealed envelope and stored at

  the Chamber of Commerce.

- The pageant director or staff members reserve the right to

  monitor all winners/runners up social media accounts to ensure

  they are in good moral standing.


To purchase guest tickets for the pageants in advance, click on the button below. Tickets are available for the Miss/Young Miss Gallipolis River Recreation Pageants and are a separate purchase from the Firecracker Pageants admission tickets. Pre-sale tickets must be purchased from the Ariel Opera House. Space is limited. If space is available on the day of the pageants, you may purchase them at the Ariel's ticket box office. Follow our Facebook page for more information about seat availability.


Saturday, June 1, 6:00pm

Ariel Opera House

426 Second Ave, Gallipolis, OH


Application Deadline is May 10.

Basket Delights is a proud sponsor of this year's pageants.  If you would like to present your favorite contestant with flowers, you may pre-order them by calling Basket Delights at 740-441-0110 and asking them for pageant bouquet specials.

Floral Gifts for Contestants